6 Questions Only Manipulative People Will Ask You

"Don't you trust me?":  This question aims to guilt-trip or manipulate someone into compliance by questioning their trust.

"Why are you so defensive?"  Manipulators use this question to deflect responsibility and make the other person feel insecure or defensive.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" This question plants doubt and undermines the other person's confidence in their decisions.

"Why are you always causing problems?" This question is a form of gaslighting, where the manipulator tries to make the other person doubt their own perceptions and feelings.

"Can't you take a joke?" This question is used to minimize the impact of hurtful or offensive behavior and shift blame onto the other person.

"Why can't you be more like [someone else]?" This question is used to undermine self-esteem and manipulate someone into conforming to the manipulator's expectations.


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