It’s no surprise that fatty fish is good for you. However, those omega-3s are for more than just your heart
Need something more short-term? Grab an extra glass of coffee (or tea)! For those that need a quick boost of mental sharpness, consuming a little extra caffeine is your best bet.
As more studies come out, it seems like eggs are perfect for numerous things, including the brain and memories. Eggs are chock full of homocysteine
Do you honestly need more reason to eat blueberries? It wouldn’t hurt! Blueberries are delicious, but they’re also brain-boosters.
Nothing is better than a tomato sandwich, and you can feel good eating those yummy red fruits. Tomatoes have high amounts of lycopene
Apples are fiber-rich fruits that help in slowing down the digestion process, reducing the speed of sugar absorption into the bloodstream.
Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants and dietary fiber.