Ab Workout for Women

A strong core is more than just having the most visible, chiseled abs in your friend group. It is actually the powerhouse of your body,

Each of these muscles plays a vital role in maintaining balance, supporting posture, protecting the spine,

From stabilizing your body during dynamic movements to enhancing your performance in various sports, and even preventing injuries, a robust core is essential.

A functional ab workout targets the core muscles that are used in everyday movements, such as bending, twisting, and reaching.

A functional ab workout can also help with pregnancy and postpartum recovery, as it strengthens the core for carrying and delivering a baby. 

A balanced ab workout ensures all core muscles are worked equally. It’s important to train every muscle group, including the front, sides, and back of the core, for optimal results.

The most visible muscles in the core, they run down the front of your abdomen from your ribcage to your pelvis. Crunches, sit-ups, and leg raises target this muscle group.





