The Reasons Beyond the Sweet Tooth and How to Fix It

You likely wonder whether it’s simply that time of the month or something you lack. You think your body may need something when you crave a specific food item,

While no single answer can satisfy this question, you’ll have a better idea of what you can eat and do, to soothe those intense chocolate cravings. Let’s show you why you might crave chocolate.

Craving the smooth texture of chocolate is more common than you realize. Let’s delve into the reasons behind those cravings before showing you ways to strategically overcome them. 

The sweet tooth debate is real. However, you may not only crave the sugar in chocolate. The USDA shows a 44-gram bar of milk chocolate contains 22.7 grams of sugar

Research by the University of California and others reviewed over 200 studies, research papers, and systematic reviews to determine whether sugar addiction contributes to obesity

Eating high-fat, high-sugar hyperpalatable food produces more dopamine, which feeds the brain’s reward system. 

 A later review of over 100 studies suggests that while the palatability of sweet foods may have hedonic reward value, the authors disagree with the “addiction” model being applied to the causes and effects of sweet food overconsumption





